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Webster United Church of Christ

December 22, 2024

Fourth Sunday of Advent









Ringing of the Bell


Gathering Music 


Centering Music #116 “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel,” vs. 6 

O come, O Dayspring, come and cheer our spitits by your advent here; Love stir within the womb of night, and death’s own shadow put to flight.  Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel shall come to you, O Israel.


Moment of Silence


Lighting of the Advent Candle

It is time we got to Bethlehem.  First, a decree set by Rome; second, a declaration of birth for an elderly couple in Jerusalem; third, a girl surprised by news of pregnancy in Nazareth! And NOW it all culminates in our travels to Bethlehem. Bethlehem is the ancestral home of mighty King David as well as his humble and faithful descendant: Joseph, the carpenter.  Bethlehem was called “little” by the prophet Micah who recognized that something of great worth would come from a humble place. As a champion of the “least of these,” Jesus’ ministry would shine light on the worth of humble people and places. Let us ask, how will we show this kind of humble love to others?


“O Come, O Come, Emmanuel,” vs. 7

O come, desire of nations, bind all peoples in one heart and mind; make envy, strife, and quarrels cease; fill the whole world with heaven’s peace. Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel shall come to you, O Israel.


*Call to Worship

One:    The journey continues, and this candle will help light our way.

All:       We are on our way to more love.

One:    So many are in need of grace, in need of loving acceptance.

All:       We are a people who can bring Good News.

One:    Stories of generosity are markers and signs that goodness is the nature of God.

All:       God’s light goes before us; we are not alone.


*Opening Hymn “Love Came Down at Christmas,” vs. 1-3


*Opening Prayer (Unison)

Holy and Living God, we pray for hearts and minds to open wide to merciful acts in your name.  Too often, we clench our fists in fear that what we have will not be enough for us.  Give us the humility to make more room.  Call us to a “generosity of grace.”  Call us to be generous – not to a fault – but to a future where all have a place and a home where they are deeply loved.  In Jesus’ name we pray.  Amen.


Children’s Time 

One: People of God, what is your prayer for our youth?

All: Our prayer is that they grow up to be like Jesus--strong and brave, full of grace and truth! And, we pray that we will help them. Amen.

Shared Prayer:  Prayer of Jesus (sins)

Unison Singing (while youth depart) “This Little Light of Mine” #524




Silent Prayer of Confession


Words of Encouragement

Let this be a marker of assurance that we are moving in a faithful direction:  God is with us every step of our way toward the Love of Bethlehem.  Jesus is being born into our lives even now.  The Spirit is transforming us in this place.


Joys and Concerns


Prayers of the People


Congregational Response “Be Still and Know” #743




Scripture   Romans 13:8-11; *Luke 2:1-14






Invitation to Give and Share 

Praise God for these gifts that we offer today and bless them for good in the world.  Praise Jesus, the Christ-Child, our Hope and our Stay, the Spirit, our Keeper, our Guide on the Way.


Gathering of Gifts “And the Glory of the Lord,” G.F. Handel


*Song of Praise #128 “What Can I Offer,” vs. 4

What can I offer, poor as I am?  If I were a shepherd, I would bring a lamb.  If I were a wise one, I would do my part; but what can I offer:  all my heart.


*Prayer of Commitment (unison)

Holy God, we know you are near. We know that every step along the way to Bethlehem in this Advent season is a step closer to renewed life in Jesus, the Christ. We know that your Spirit resides within us, growing day by day into the fullness of Love. In this moment, we pause in silence, marking your presence with awe and asking you to fill us and guide us, along our journey.  Amen.




*Closing Hymn #125 “Angels We Have Heard on High,” vs. 1-3




*Blessing Response #809 “God Be with You”


Sending Music 

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